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What Do You See? by Mehlbruck (critique requested)

How safe do you feel, basking in the light?
Whether it be from Sun or manufactured bulb
The light brings comfort and warmth
Like it's some kind of magical shield
Or an invisible blanket giving you protection

Rather silly, you must realize

Is it because in light you can see?
You see the people
You see the buildings
You can see all around you under afternoon skies
But see only what you can see

What lurks in those dark places unseen by your eye?
While you look one way, what occurs in the other?

Maybe something is moving closer
Hiding past your narrow peripheral
Darting in and out of your line of vision
Getting closer
Creeping faster
Just waiting for the perfect time to spring

You scoff?

You don't think it's true?

Silly silly sentiment

Think to yourself for a moment

Do you not realize how vulnerable you really are?

When you walk down a hallway in a house, do you glance through every open door?
Or walk by thinking there is nothing there?
Do you turn on the light before entering a room?
Or enter thinking it's safe in the dark, just for a second?

Ever sit by a dark window at night, not knowing if something is watching you on the other side?
Never worry that when you lean down to take water in you might find someone watching from behind in the mirror?
Do you check to see if there is something hiding in the dark backseat of your car while driving home by yourself?

You think it's quite silly to check
That it would be childish to give in
To give in to that morbid fear
Spreading rapidly through your mind
Shortly after the dark seed has been planted
You tell yourself you're being paranoid or crazy

But you're not sure if you're right or wrong
Until it's too late

Think about it friend

Reading this, when was the last time you looked behind you?

What Do You See? (critique requested)


A little wordplay in the antagonistic first person, incorporating the reader as the main character.

Think about these things:
How much do you really see? When you gaze or look upon something, are you aware of what's going on beyond your peripheral vision?

How truly safe are you?

Submission Information

Literary / Story


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    When we open our eyes, we participate in the light.
    When we close them, the light burns on, without us.

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      Well-said, bunny. Funny the relationship between light and darkness

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    You motherfucker.