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Homestuck: sweetLividity (OC Fankid) by medacris

Homestuck: sweetLividity (OC Fankid)


Name: Molly
Pesterchum Handle: sweetLividity
Icon: A Gameboy Color
Strife Specibus: Hammerkind, though she’s also briefly experimented with a pair of Nunchuks.
Sprite: Medicsprite, forged from her prized statue of the Medic from Team Fortress 2. Unfortunately, where she was expecting a kind, helpful husbando, Medicsprite is actually kind of a dick. He does care for her in a platonic way, though, and has saved her life several times so far.
Land: The Land of Velvet and Cake, a land made of chocolate and red velvet cake. Her denizens are Salamanders.
Color Scheme: Mostly lavender and shades of red, with accents in black or white.
God Tier: Destined to become the Page of Rage.
Backstory: An aspiring Let’s Player who bought a Sburb bundle package for her friends, in the hopes of streaming their escapades on Twitch. She’s nice and friendly, but like many gamers, she gets frustrated at players who hack, act like douchebags, or are generally terrible (or much better than her) at the game, but holds her tongue. Her bottled-up frustration led to her specific God Tier specification.
Best Moment So Far: Destroying several giant basilisks and ogres made of marble.
Looking Forward To: Finding out whether she’s a Prospit or Derse dreamer, and meeting some trolls.
Biggest Secret: She’s super obsessive when it comes to organization, and she may or may not have a super gay crush on one of her friends.

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