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en'less pleasure? wot rot! by mca_jabberwocky

en'less pleasure? wot rot!


Jaggz lost in his own head world again, imagining a fight with a slaaneshi deamon, which in reality was probably some reptile operative trying to seduce her way past him in whatever place he's been told to stand guard.

I had a big long speil on the old image lemme find it..
The Deamonette felt confident in her claims. saiid the beasts were just that, emotional, instinctual, easy prey. She, and only as she as the entitiey and its kind chose a female form for guile and seduction of others to the ways of Slaanesh, the whore god/goddess of ecsess and lust. so confident in her own abilities she laid the bet to the others of her kind that she could seduce one of the largest of the brutes, a Warboss as the grunting monsters called their largest leaders.

it seemed well set, perfectly timed. The beast was alone, seperated from its kind by a stray burst of it's primative jet engine pack, to which it had taken to beating and cursing at. A slide of scale along rockcrete of the hollowed out hab unit, to attract it's attention.giggle and a hum to set the intent, along with the seductive poses she knew the other lesser races seemed to fall for, and a healthy dose of warp magic to trigger what should be thoughts of lust in his mind. The beast seemed to be responding well, its gaze sliding over her form, the growl she heard rumble deep in its chest like the sound of a hungry animal, and he was. That much she could see.

she approached him, thinking her act all too easy as its arm slid around her back under the wings of her chosen form. the beast moved its face close to her own, the growling noise continuous like an engine of the war machines, her laugh trickled over the broken walls like bells, light and bright. It was time to take him and claim the monster and his underlings for her god and her own desires.

The large clawed paw of the beast grabbed teh back of her head, snagging the waving tendrels in a bruising grip, claws digging into her scaled flesh and causing warp tainted blood to flow, the look of shock registering across her face seemed to amuse the beast as it grunted and guffawed.

"Ya zoggin gitz nevah learn, doez ya, ya lousy, runty, stupid fings, ain't never gunna 'ave me mind like dem runts!"motioning to a body of the faithful, cultists and Imperial alike lay broken and crushed. the bodies all nearly naked, the symbols around the hollowed out building suggesting a sacrificial orgy was interupted by this brute which he must have laid into with glee.

She was wrong,yet she was right. He did lust like any beast, but his was one of blood and carnage. the last thing she saw before he rend her face and flesh appart was the sickened and offended look of arrogance from the monster. "

I think I was grumpy when I drew/wrote this. so ignore the weirdness if there is any!

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    Really surprised you posted this O_O

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      It fit the theme! why wouldn't I post something about this character?

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        OH WAIT! RIGHT! NEVER MIND! Too bad! keeping it for story's sake! :D