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Line art commission by Mayhemomega

Line art commission


A line art commission of a Dungeons and Dragons, water bending character. She was very fun to draw. I don't get to doodle lizard-like characters very often. This was a nice change of pace.

Art: Me
Photoshop CS2

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    How is working in CS2 in regards to line art? I struggled doing lines in Photoshop and moved to another programme. Also, how do you get such clean, crisp lines? Wonderful work!

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      Thank you for the great comment. What do you use? Maybe we can learn from each other.

      I just use the brush tool (specifically size 8 for this particular image), the tablet, and do my strokes very carefully, lol. If I wanted to have more 'consistent' lines I'd have used the pen tool. But I like the line weight when it's done freehand on the tablet.

      Some folk say SAI or Anime Studio is a great way to do line work...

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        You're very welcome, I've been using Sketchbook pro for years now but I did start originally on Photoshop, can't remember what version but it was ooolllddd..

        I'm very much the same with Sketchbook, I tend to use the pencil, helps with the pressure sensitivities to get lines that aren't too dark as it were, then I'd use the pen and go over it once I'm happy with it but still always seem to end up with a bit of roughness. I do consider one layer pencil, then maybe go over on a separate layer with the pen, but real slow and careful as you said but that'd take so long...SO LONG!

        Yeah, I've heard a lot of people claim SAI and Anime Studio are best to go to for line art, I've not tried SAI yet and wasn't keen on Anime Studio, what I was originally thinking is do the line work in Sketchbook, then port over to Photoshop for the color and effects but trying to re learn it all would be such a pain..

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          It wouldn't be so bad an idea to learn both. PS is the only program I have currently and, so, it's the one I know most of. I can fly through most of it now since I know a bit of the hot keys to get the results I want (with what I know). A lot of industries require you to know Illustrator as well as InDesign and Corel. All of which I have little to no experience with... probably should take my own advice there, eh? lol..

          As for Anime studio; What turned me off was the initial price of the program. It's technically a low tier program and an ok price I suppose. Sai is practically free. What I liked about ASP was the animation features. On the flip side- I do have Flash.

          I'd like to play with more programs to round myself out a bit more. It's just one of those things where you stick to what you know - you know? lol. Why pull my hair out when I know I can get the results.

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            Yeah, might as well give the others a try, but then again if they aint specifically in your field, might not be worth it. I've tried Corel but wasn't too impressed. But yeah, might as well try them all I guess, mix ad match as it were.

            I've not animated in years but I have however seen people who illustrate in Flash rather than animate, it has quite a nice style and I know for a fact with tween and what not you can get some very clean curves and lines.

            Yeah I agree, probably why I've ditched others for Sketchbook, it was super friendly to use and now I don't want to stop using it in case it doubles my working time and produces worse results. Argh! Haha.