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"Better to Start Young" by ManictheMod

"Better to Start Young"


I can't believe I'm seeing people defending teen pregnancy with my own eyes...

This is why I am very against teen pregnancy in case you want to know.

Honestly, I don't know who to blame for this. The teens who decided to have unprotected sex and have a baby so young, the parents who didn't bother teaching their kids about being careful with sex, the school for not teaching kids any sex education, or the government for not adequately funding sex education and contraceptives for teenagers. Either way, this is awfully pathetic for a first world nation like America.

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    Honestly, I don't know who to blame for this.

    misogyny and the powerful institutions that perpetuate it. while carrying a teen pregnancy may be an irresponsible act depending on the circumstances (rape, trauma, and social pressure to keep the child are among many extenuating circumstances that can easily coerce teenagers to keep a child against their will), laying the blame at the feet of teen parents does nothing in the end but open up rhetorical room for justifying crackdowns on minors' and womens' autonomy. it ultimately serves the right-wing, similar with arguments about poor and homeless people or racial minorities

    it is nice to see other people on this website who oppose trump and co. but i would advise to be careful not to fall into this particular ideological trap.