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OC Madness 2014 by magpiedragon

OC Madness 2014


Okay, so Annual OC Madness Week is what happens when I realize summer is at an end and I was planning to do all this character development that of course didn't happen... xD It's pretty much the only time ever when bios get written, art refs updated and designs revamped.

Most of this dates back to August but I didn't get round to doing some final tweaks and dumping it all together into one nice picture until now. Various degrees of sketchiness ahoy~~
As for who are those particular guys... 8D

(1) Jonah is my obstinate, depressed, long-suffering half-breed baby. I spend half of my life making him utterly miserable, even though the only part of him I actually hate is his hair.
The other half of my life is spent trying to make him less miserable and utterly failing, because some people just won't let you help them. Or don't know what they want. Or know what they want, but won't go for it anyway because ~misplaced pride~ or some other shit. Or wait, was it all three. Ahah.

(2) Blackbird is a generic dinosaur anth- ahem reptile alien thing and caravan guard. Fancy crest still needs work, I have a pretty good idea how the main part of it works but still not sure how the side ones fold in. I'm also thinking of adding brightly colored (blue) accents to the normally hidden parts of it.
As for why would I waste time coming up with markings for a dude who is actually even darker than this and basically his world's equivalent of melanistic... it's a mystery >>

(3) Owlface. More politely known as Lady Owl-faced or Mistress Owl, but those are a mouthful. (Her real name is actually just Owl, but where is the fun in that.) She is a sterile, neuter 'freak' and a respected wizard specializing in rogue magic (aka the thing that led to her being conceived in the first place) and is secretly less human than you'd think.
She tends to look a bit hunched over because tiny featherless hidden wings. She also sports some grade A lotr wizard hair..
Her diet consists mostly of water, broth and rare/raw-ish meat, so her main indulgence is pretty flowing robes and jewelry :P

(4) Ash should totally be way up there instead of, like, the tiniest picture on the page because I love him, but eh. What's done is done. He is sort of a smartass and I guess most people either also love him or kinda itch to permanently rearrange his face. (And in case you've been wondering how that would look like, see picture two. It's canon for some reason.)
He once walked into a small town to buy something to eat and two weeks later it was an pile of smoking rubble. And he likes olives, what an abomination.
He is also secretly Goldilocks and I find it absolutely hilarious.

(5) Kendra is like a wannabe space pirate except she is actually a merchant. Her natural coloring is gorgeous and that orange is pretty ghastly, so idk really what went wrong with her style choices. Because it's obvious something did. Don't look at me.

Ash and Jonah are from the same story, in a near-future universe. Blackbird and Kendra are from a space opera setting and Owlface lives in a dark fantasy setting with steampunk elements.

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