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Tinixi by Madra



I guess I can put this here too. There was a Guild Wars 2 secret santa on Tumblr, and this is my submission for it.

Despite being a big dweeby nerd for Sylvari, I find Asura much easier to draw. :U


Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    So THIS is where you hid it. :D So amazing to see your art again after so long, and DAMN nice use of pretty much everything. I love the detailing on the coat and how you built up your colour.I really love the chalk/pastel feel of this, too, and the grain in the lettering is deeply satisfying. <3

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      you know I meant to put it on twitter or my main tumblr but I totally forgot rofl.

      gaaaah thank you mab ;o; I sincerely do not think I could have achieved even semi-decent colors without the brushes I bought. like if I had tried to use the default brushes in photoshop this would look fucking awful lol. if you use photoshop ever I would HIGHLY recommend getting some of kyle webster's brushes, they're fucking amazing, ugh. I colored this almost exclusively with a china marker brush and then blended it together with oil paint brushes. IT WAS A LOT OF FUN ok I'm gonna stop babbling now thank you mab ;o; <3

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        HAHA, I just went on a whole Twitter rant about my misguided attempts to use PS yesterday. Spoiler: it didn't go well. xD

        I meant to ask you, did you try MS5 again with your new tablet? If you like it, I recommend the Frenden brushes (inexpensive, really good, come with free updates as he tweaks them) and a few free ones I got from DA. Also also, if you use Photoshop, there are brushes called Rahll's brushes I think? I have a port of them for Painter, and they are pretty sexy. Lots to play with. :D Actually, if you look through my faves on DA you should find all the stuff I recommend. <3

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          No not yet!!!!!!! I keep meaning to try it out but then I remember I got like halfway through loading the brushes I bought (which I'm pretty sure were Frenden's) and I'm being a pain in the ass about wanting to finish doing that before I draw anything in MS5 because I'm stupid. And when I sit and think about how long it will take and how I probably won't even feel like drawing once I'm done I just say fuck it and open up PS instead lmao.

          Now is the part where you tell me I don't have to load each brush one by one.....right? o__o

          (also ty for the other recommendations!!! I'll have to check them out 8D)