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Boozle Kiddies by Mad-Monty-Zuma

Boozle Kiddies


Here we have the two newest Boozle siblings in color.

On the left is little Xochitl who's element is Forest. Forest is an element used in Asian folklore and stories. She has control over anything plant and organic. Her powers showed up recently ahead of when they normally do. Xochitl tends to be VERY head strong and demanding. However she's a good kid and loves her family very much. ( even Em, though she'll rarely admit it. ) She hates that her older sisters tend to leave her behind and has grown up tough and strong to keep them "in line". However she does look out for her twin as he usually has a way of getting hbimself in trouble.

On the right is Onyx who's element is Metal. ( also used taken from Asian sources ) Onyx is a pure heart who means well, but is usually afraid to act. Despite being very strong for his age and near invulnerable he tends to frighten easy and runs to the protection of his mother. Onyx says very little and prefers to sit back and watch than take part. His other sisters love him to death and he loves them too. He looks up to his big sister Em, tries his best to help out his sister Tres, however he's not to fond of his his big sister Miranda likes to play dress up with him. ( Xochitl usually saves him in the end ) He clings close to his mother and rarely leaves her side. Also Onyx tends to be a little afraid of his dad. ( though he has no reason to ) Onyx's power allows him to turn his exo-skeleton to very durable metal. He refrains from using it as once he turned his whole body to armor and could not figure out how to undo it. He he must he'll make only his arms and legs metal. Both siblings are 4 while their sisters are 16.


Please note I made changes to Onyx recently, I'll put date him later<<<<<

Xochitl and Onyx (c) Miguel Tigre

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