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Sygma Version Monguse by Mad-Monty-Zuma

Sygma Version Monguse


Name: Monguse Colby Mongoose
Age: 23
Species: Monguse

This is a version of Monguse I had been toying with for a while. I wanted him to look different from other characters I drew. I also went with a pose I used when I first drew him in this uniform. ( it showed a lot of growth on my part as an artist )

Monguse is half Black half Asian. ( Hemi is Black while Melody is Asian )

Monguse's powers are not just limited to Time but he also controls Velocity. He can give and take kinetic energy from anything.

Monguse used to have to clap his hands to make two different polarities of Temporal Energy collide to kick his speed in. Since then he's found a faster way to do this.

Monguse can steal kinetic energy from things around him to kick his speed in.

Monguse is capable of running on water. ( but must already be moving to do so )

Monguse's speed also includes his eyes which can see things move at super speed and register as normal.

Monguse's brain also works at great speed. However because of this he's had to learn to live with it going all the time.

For a great while, his brain going all the time prevented him from getting sleep.

Monguse has the ability to see/sense everything in a room by simply feeling the kinetic energy given off by each thing.

Monguse has ADD as a side effect of his powers.

Monguse is currently the top in the field of Quantum Physics and Temporal Theory. ( since his father died, his father was the only one above him )

Monguse tends to switch to uber geek mode when he encounters anything involving Quantum, Temporal, and/or Tachyons. ( his favorite subject on interest )

Monguse is infamous for being a perv. ( he is legendary for trans-dimensional panty-raids )

Monguse is the adopted older brother of Treboles. ( Melody adopted her after her mother died )

Monguse is also the adopted older brother of Bam.

Monguse gave Bam his name.

Monguse has a love for adventure but not for the fight. ( Monguse uses as little action as he can to solve problems. This infuriates his companions as he always seems to win using little or no effort )

Monguse is one of the only living beings to have ever seen "The Source" or the very core of the time stream. Nemesis was the only other two but he went mad.

Because of the constant flow of Temporal Energy through his body, Monguse has become immortal. ( Monguse can die or be killed.. however it won't be old age that gets him )

Monguse accidentally created Calavera, the leader of the Skeleton Krew.

I know I know I forgot his tail, I promise in the future it'll be there. Anyway, enjoy or not. One more character to go.

Monguse(c) Miguel Tigre

Submission Information

Visual / Digital