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Lady Delphia by Lunarius

Lady Delphia


This is Delphia, the Aasimar Oracle my friend plays at our Sunday Pathfinder game.

Pose referenced from Pose Vault.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Awesome to see more Pathfinder pals on here! My character's wife is an Oracle as well.

    She has a lot of power and assertiveness in her pose, and the details are great.

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      Thanks so much! Pathfinder is my favourite system for tabletop gaming, so coming across other fans of it is quite awesome!

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        Awesome! To be honest, it's my favorite only because I haven't tried any others-- I've been asked to join three different RPG systems, even filling out character sheets for a couple other Pathfinder games aside from my own...and for whatever reason, only two out of at least five actually ended up in us playing. A lot of people drop out before even starting, or without giving notice beforehand.

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          That's a lot of what I've found, too. My husband eventually got tired of online games constantly falling apart (we used to go to RPoL) and just started finding people locally. Now we meet every Sunday at a near-by comic shop, but I know that's not something everyone can do. I really wish there was a place online that had a better track record of games successfully completing, not just getting off the ground.