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Brothers are for dressing up by Luccakitten

Brothers are for dressing up


(characters belong to me and my big brother sesamebun)

Lucca reluctantly agreed to wear a dress to the party they were going to as long as her big brother had to wear one to.

"But mom, i'm a boy!" Sesame protested when Lucca gave her ultimatimum.

"Oh c'mon son, you have to set a good example for your little sister, you know she doesn't have any real girls to play with." their mother chimed in.

Sighing in defeat, resigned to his fate, Sesame crossed his arms and pouted, as Lucca searched for a dress for him.

"heres a good one!" their lil brother Maxi handed Lucca what had to be the most flamboyant gawdy thing he could find.

"Oh Lord, where did you find that thing?" Sesame questioned, but Lucca had already begun attempting to shove the dress over the bunnies head, much to his protests.

"Mom!, Does it have to be this one?" Sesame whined, anger in his voice.

"Oh dear it's not that bad. I think it looks cute on you." their mom tried to reassure him.

"No it doesn't! i look like someone god awful peacock that some chewed up and spat back out!" he retorted, spitting out the first words that came into his head.

Lucca giggled and finding a matching bow, she eased a box up next to her brother and began fixing it in his hair as her big brother pouted and looked away.

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    He looks realy very cute in this dress :3
    I wish someone puts me in such a pretty dress like that one ...