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Fursuit Zipper Tutorial by LobitoWorks

Fursuit Zipper Tutorial


Zippers are a source of confusion and frustration for a lot of people. I myself had absolutely no idea how to go about installing one for a looong time (as I suspect owners of my really old suits could attest, eheh). So I made this tutorial to help show how I do it, and maybe make it seem a little less intimidating for someone who's never sewn a zipper before.

I hope the guide is fairly self-explanatory and easy to follow~
If you have any questions, let me know. Happy sewing!

Submission Information

Visual / Sewing / Knitting


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    I'm in the preparation of finishing off a three-quarter suit top for myself, and one things plaguing me from diving in has been the zipper. Hopefully I can follow this closesly and not gnarl up anything. ^^ Thank you for making this.

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    just a random question, do you prefer to put the zipper in the back, or in the front? does it make it more comfortable or easy to wear either way? I personally think it looks better in the back

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      I like front zippers, personally. I'd only do a back zipper upon request.

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    This is clear and detailed, yay :) but just what kind of zipper do you use? There's various kinds and I'm just kinda derping in front of them all at the fabric store hah.

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      Like the tutorial says, a separating sports zipper!

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        Oh okay thank you. Ooogh sometimes it's tooo haaard to read... (especially on small iPod)