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Superpowers for everyone by lizard-socks

Superpowers for everyone


Doodled these characters while waiting for my code to compile, and thought about what roles they'd have in a longer version of Bugfriend.

* Sophie / Dreamclaw (bottom right) - A young girl who trapped an evil symbiote inside her to keep her family safe. She's the villain. If you're wondering why she looks so tall here, it's because I'm not good at drawing :)
* Jeremy / Bugfriend (upper right) -  He's trying to figure out what's going on, and also trying to make friends with people. The other superheroes are busy doing more important stuff.
* Axyridis / Skylar (upper left) - They want to help Jeremy solve the mystery, but they don't want to admit that they're being helpful.
* Gar (bug) - I suppose she would still be gone for most of the story. If she's there, there's not as much reason to have Skylar around.
* Unknown woman (second from right, top row) - I don't know who this is
* Ashley and Mojisola (bottom row, center) - They put a "superhero team" together, but it's really just a bunch of people renting a house.
* Brady (lower left) - Yes it's him! He's Jeremy's roommate. There's a rule that everyone living in the house has to have superpowers. Turning into a snail might be useless and occasionally distressing but it counts as a power. He also brings a romantic subplot with him.

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