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Serenity's Forest by Librios

I hear everything come to a halt
Everything is silent
Like if life itself put everything on mute
I keep walking towards the forest
As I keep moving forward
The wind slowly starts picking up
Feeling the cool winter breeze
Pass right by me
As the sun sets on the horizon
I am surrounded by the nighttime
Reflecting on my own life
I look up at the sky
And see the stars shining brightly
Upon closer inspection
I see them start coming closer
The stars themselves
Start falling from the sky
On a quiet winter day
Feeling the warmth around me
I feel a peace
Something that I have not felt for a long time

Serenity's Forest


Been doing some experimenting with my poetry. Would like to get your guys feedback on what you think the poem means.

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    "I feel a peace
    Something that I have not felt for a long time"

    And the rest leading up to it

    I have a restlessness that never goes away. At some point in my life, I started having things I needed to do, and could never complete all of them. As a kid, there were still times that there was nothing I felt I needed to do, in that moment.

    I think the pain of life has affected this restlessness.