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SFW Sneps Ref by LeopardCube

SFW Sneps Ref


Art wonderfully done by OtherWords/TheStory

Snow Leopard: "Uncia"
Approx. 5 feet 9 inches tall
Approx. 140 lbs

Covered head to two in typical leopard 'rosettes', with the under belly, inner thighs and arms being a bright white, and bluish/light silver on outside (should still be a bright, lighter color). For a snow leopard, he's quite slim. Depending on his mood and the way he holds himself/postures, this can lend either a very fem' look, or an angular aggressive look. Paw pads are pink color, all ending in small claw tips (which are retractable). The adult bits are thick and more conical, lacking any "barbs", the color pink with a protective sheathe. Tail is immense, and like the slight ruff around the neck/chest, thickly furred. (fluffy, if you like). Snow Leopards have round ears, with a black ring around the edge and light pink interior. "Headfur" is medium length ( should at least make it past the eyes, maybe jaw length depending on art style/situation) and noticeable blonde color, when loose can hang around the face/head to give a softer, more feminine look, or can be done up with products to become more spikey, 'anime', and aggressive appear. The eyes have are two different colors: The left blue, the right bright gold. Snow Leopards have a rounder face, with a light pink nose.

Did I mention snow leopards are fluffy? Er, I mean, thickly furred!

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Visual / Digital