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Ordinary Lovely Beautiful Things by LeonClaus (critique requested)

Ordinary Lovely Beautiful Things (critique requested)


Comm for Lati!

Monty & Vetri enjoying a peaceful day together outside. The weather might be a bit cold for most folks but Monty is right at home in the milder winters compared to her home. It's nice to get out of the house sometimes & just take a walk together with no destination in mind. A packed lunch for the two of them of home made treats & their favorite beverages to get off their feet for a little while. It's a clear sunny winter day & these two are enjoying each other's company like there's not a trouble in the world.

I am very normal about my friends ocs. Actually normal. I just really feel so much happiness & love to get to play with the thought of two characters who just enjoy each other's company & want to spend time, willingly, spontaenously going out on walks & days off together to breathe easy & let the go-go-go of the world fall into the rear view to be lucidly in moments of respite. Doing this commission had me genuinely stumbling for a couple days about getting out & choosing to just stop, loiter, & sit for a while again instead of racing there & back again. It's a nice reminder to have. It's something I do but did a lot more a few years back. Hopefully some of that tranquility made it's way into this piece & heck- maybe you too can enjoy a lil nip of the cold weather & enjoy blue skies too :3 

Vetri & Monty are she/her
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