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2 Bodies, Same Soul by Leon 13

2 Bodies, Same Soul

Leon 13

In a different time and place, there exists a dimension filled with many creatures. One of these creatures was a young dragon who was adopted by peaceful cat-like creatures. Whenever the Cats were threatened, the Dragon adopted his ninja vigilante identity and saved them several times. But then one day, a child cat was badly hurt by an evil snake monster. This caused the dragon to snap and violently killed the snake. This stuck fear into the hearts of the cats, as their guardian had now become a vicious killer.

Seeing he must be stopped, the Cats unmasked the Dragon to discover it was the same one they had been raising all these years. However, they could not convince him to give up his old ways, for he was nothing but a mindless killer now, or so they thought. The Shaman of the Cats hit the Dragon with a spell. This spell caused the Dragon to vomit a small thing, an infant. After fleeing from the Dragon, the Infant was discovered to be an exact clone of the murderous dragon, but with none of his evil, just his old purity. A baby they would raise to be better than it's “Father”.

The Child was given the Shaman's amulet to protect it from it's forerunner, who now sought to kill the one who had replaced him. However, every time he sees the murderous dragon, the baby feels something. It's as if he knew this Dragon long before he was born.

This was a fun little Idea I came up with and had to draw a picture of. I love how it turned out. BTW, that brown thing behind the baby is a toy wooden sword he's holding. And yes, that is a diaper he is wearing.

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    When ever someone seems bad or evil just turn then back into a baby ;)