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Am I Growed up now? by Leon 13

Am I Growed up now?

Leon 13

I am really proud of this picture due to how adorable it is. Amy saw some Digimon jet-skiiing at the beach one day. She asked Katya if she could try that some day. Katya said Amy would have to grow up if she ever wanted to. Amy then dug through some clothes in the attic. She didn't want to wait to grow up, so she wanted to look Grown Up. Unfortunately, all the clothes were too big for her except 2 articles. A Training Bra, and a pair of bloomers.

Not wanting to go diaperless, Amy slipped the bloomers on over her red diaper (She's trying all sorts of different colored nappies). With her new outfit, she went back downstairs, where all the other diapered Digimon stared at her in confusion and laughter. Upon showing her grown up appearance to Katya, the Adult diapered Renamon burst into laughter and took a picture to post on Diaperfacebook, where it got 1 million likes. Unfortunately, Amy would not get to jet ski and now she had a bunch of stalkers following her, hoping to get a look at her diapered Bloomer bum.

Still having difficulty getting the Gatomon's head shape right. Still, it doesn't matter since it's facing down, I don't have a picture of a Gatomon looking down to see it's head for reference. You may also wonder why I love drawing Gatomon diapered. You see, when I draw them, they have these adorable cute bums that look perfect for a diaper to be strapped or pinned on. I know that sounds pedophillic, but it's just bloody cute.

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    Us she trying to hide her diaper/nappy?