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Part of me is dead by Leon 13

Part of me is dead

Leon 13

Titan A.E was a fantastic movie. With it's guns, space ships, and best of all, the battles. However, there are 2 reasons that keep me from watching it again. Reason 1, the opening where the protagonist is a child and the Earth Gets blown up is very depressing. Reason 2 is what this pic is based on. After escaping the neon blue aliens, the protagonist awakens on a friendly ship, naked. Keep in mind that he is a human, not a dragon. This was one of the first times I saw a man naked in animation as a child. For some reason, I was incredibly uneasy with this. He was covered with a towel at first, but then it got removed as this woman began fixing his wounds. While you don't see anything dirty, it's still quite disturbing for a child. It was so uneasy, I actually hid in the bathroom until this scene was over, I'm not kidding. And worse still, when he finally gets dressed, he doesn't even put on any underwear, what a slob.

Still, this kinda deserved a picture to go along with the rant above. So one day, I get shot in the leg and wake up nude on an unknown spaceship while a hot female tends to my wounds by stabbing this strange device right into one, just like in the film. I know this is pretty screwy for my style, but I was awake at night, wondering what to draw. I remembered this scene and was like “what the hell, I draw pictures about a show no one knows about”. So here it is, enjoy it, or not.

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Visual / Traditional