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Gerald you snake! by Leon 13

Gerald you snake!

Leon 13

I saw a cute character named Gerald, a snake in a corny movie, Spider Web: A Pig's tale, which is based loosely on Charlotte's web. One day, I met Gerald outside of this gameshow where you get spanked for answering a question wrong. I introduced myself to him and said I was a big fan. Gerald, was still a little pissed off about the show however. While I was gabbering away, he reached the tip of his tail into the back of my pelenka and pulled it off. By the time I realized what he did, he took my pelenka and slithered away. Just then, the host from the show mistook me for a contestant and I was on the gameshow. Since I was flustered with being nude, I got several questions wrong and got spanked several times. The joke was on Gerald however, because that pelenka had a tracer in it and I captured him. I gave him the same treatment I gave all my digimon.

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