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A Well-Balanced Party? by Leon 13

A Well-Balanced Party?

Leon 13

Features the adorable Agumonofalchemy and Miku_Kojitsu

Since I’ve been binging SaGa Frontier Remastered, I thought I’d make a pic based on the game. It was originally going to feature five characters, with most being friends from a discord group, but I was so disappointed with the final product, I dropped it to three. Parker is supposed to look crazy, but his expression ended up looking bland. The other two are mostly alright, though something about this pic put me off, and caused me to lose my love of drawing for the time. Perhaps I need to redesign my OCs.

Anyway, the game is a nice RPG by Squaresoft (and they still find ways to make it miserable in some areas, the sadistic bastards). You can choose from one of several main characters (the Remaster adds an additional one and a lot of cut content) and then go through their quest while usually having access to the entire world and a large number of characters you can recruit. The main downside is that when you finish one character and start another, the side quests are the same and you also have to recruit certain characters to finish some side quests (you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to though).

You can also use a money making trick called Takonomics to get tons of cash and buy the best equipment, which you will need to get past the cheap ass enemies. Also why Parker is armed with two hyper blasters.

Visual Description:

On the left is Noah, the anthro Typhlosion. He wears a teal-green sleeveless shirt with thick black rims along the top, black bracers with blue diamond shapes along the rims, and a rope with a piece of cloth that is meant to cover his crotch, but is blown up by a gust of wind, exposing his white and green easy-ups with pink briefs lines. He holds his hand out at the camera to try and get it to stop looking as he panics.

In the middle is Parker, who is cross eyed with his mouth agape with an angry expression as he holds a hyper blaster in each hand and points them upward diagonally while firing yellow bright beams. He wears a blue robe-like shirt with dark blue sleeves that are much larger than his arms and the shirt also features a circular shape around the neck with separate pointed triangles emerging from it. He also wears a black sash with a piece of fabric going down the middle with a yellow cross at the bottom, which is blown up by the wind, along with the long bottom half of the shirt, exposing a diaper underneath. He also has brown bracers on his arms.

On the right is Syrus the Agumon, he is wearing a purple wig of smooth short hair slightly curved near the bottom. He is wearing a red dress with a low neckline exposing his cleavage, and is in a martial arts pose with his right leg bent and the other one in a kicking position, which lifts his dress up enough to expose a pink diaper with tan colored frills along the leg hole.

The background is meant to be a crystal-like cavern in the game with an indigo floor and dark violet colored walls, but it just looks like crap.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital