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Diapus Takeius by Leon 13

Diapus Takeius

Leon 13

One day late for Halloween. Might have been able to finish it earlier if not for my obsession with that damn Gundam TRPG I can’t post.

I played many games this year. Some I played for hours on end. One of such game is Assassins Creed Odyssey. I enjoyed the open world where you could pretty much go wherever you want, the large number of weapons and side missions, and very few forced stealth sections. I also enjoy the notoriety and Mercenary system, though it can be annoying when you’re just trying to go on your way and you accidentally piss off some guards because the stupid leader decided to walk next to you while you were at a message board and you accidentally kill some of them and they put on a bounty on you when in fact it was their fault.

Anyway, your ship is useful because you can use it to store a bunch of the armor and weapons that seem to spill out of every container and corpse you come across. Unfortunately, Leon’s crew seem to be having some trouble with that...

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