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One Baby Only by Leon 13

One Baby Only

Leon 13

Another video game pic, this time based on Silent Hill 2. During the last level, you come to an elevator that only allows one person, literally. If you even have so much as a photo in your inventory, it won’t work. As such, you have to put every single item you have in a nearby locker. Then you can ride it down and continue the level. Unfortunately, the second you pick up a new item, the lift stops working again, so you’ll have to work your way around the building.

Here’s Leon encountering that same lift, this time only permitting “One Baby”. Unfortunately, this doesn’t include his clothes, so the dragon had to take everything off, ride the lift down, and wander around the freezing cold hotel with his little dragon rear in full view. There’s also a puzzle where you actually have to find a light bulb to shine a light on a lock because in Silent Hill 2, you don’t have a flashlight at this point and you couldn’t see it!

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