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Not so Calm Lands by Leon 13

Not so Calm Lands

Leon 13

A Diaper clad Chocobo raced down the middle of the Calm Lands. On it’s back was a Baby Dragon wearing a blue diaper and a bizarre gauntlet. The Chocobo popped a nearby balloon.

“Come On, we can do it.” The Dragon muttered.

Just then a bird swooped down from the sky. The Dragon bared his teeth upon seeing it. He steered his Chocobo to the right in an attempt to dodge it, but the Bird slammed right into his chocobo, slowing it down.

“You rotten avian!” The Dragon yelled, standing up on the Chocobo’s back.

Just then, another bird slammed into the Dragon’s back, knocking him off the chocobo. He fell face first onto the grass, his Chocobo stopping to check on it’s master. As the Dragon began to recover, another bird swooped past him and could hear the sound of tearing fabric.

Feeling the bottom of his diaper, he felt his smooth scaly rump through a small hole in it.

“I hate this stupid game so much.” he growled.

(The Dodger Chocobo Game from Final Fantasy X. Getting a time of 0.0.0 Seconds by getting balloons to remove seconds is one of the most frustrating tasks in the game. But you have to do it to get one of Tidus’ Super Weapon Emblems. Damn it, Squaresoft.)

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