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TUTORIAL: Color Theory by Leafie

TUTORIAL: Color Theory


Made another tutorial/ art tips thing! (Because color theory is my favorite thing ever tbh.)

  • WARM colors:

    Bright colors closest to white on the color spectrum. Portrays heat, happiness, energy, life.
    If you stepped outside on a bright summer afternoon you'd see a lot of these colors.

  • COOL colors:

    Dim, moody colors closer to black on the color spectrum. Portrays cold, sadness, calm, atmosphere/mood.
    If you took a walk at night you'd see a lot of these colors.

  • NEUTRALS/ MUTE colors:

    Are the "middle" colors between light and dark. Usually accounts for pastels and "natural" colors.
    These colors remind me of a rainy evening in autumn <3 also my favorite/ most used colors in my art.


-Warm colors can be "cool" and cool colors can be "warm" depending on the hue of the color you use. For example, robin's egg/ pale blue actually counts as a "warm" hue despite blue being a "cool" color.

-While cool colors usually work best for shading, it is also possible to shade using warm colors, as long as they're not too bright and slightly darker from the other warm hues you're using. Always make sure your highlights and shadows stand out.

-An easy way to get contrasting colors is to look at a color wheel and use colors that are directly across from/opposite of eachother (Orange + blue...purple + yellow, ect.) The opposing colors actually shocks your eyes and creates a dynamic effect when seen. (This is used a lot in abstract/ surreal art for this reason.)

-Colors have a psychological effect on the human brain. For example, bright yellow represents happiness and excitement while blue has a relaxing, calming effect. Keep this in mind when choosing your color palettes to get the most out of your drawings! OwO

There are TONS of tips and sources online for learning color use/ color theory so if you need help or want to learn more that's a good place to start.
I personally like to use youtube videos when learning about art stuff since it's easier for me to watch someone else do it and then experiment on my own.
And practice practice practice! Try new things, experiment with different colors and techniques to find what feels most fun and comfortable for you.
I know you can do it! ♥

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