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Original Tia Sketch by Lapseph

Original Tia Sketch


The original sketch of Tia was slapped together to be used for a one-shot Ironclaw campaign that... never actually saw it's way to completion? But we did at least play a single session of it with one group. I've teased trying to run it again with some others, but it's just never quite come together.

I've shifted her persona, traits, and backstory a bit for her new role as player character in a FATE campaign, but the heart of the design is still there I guess? Tia is meant to stand out as a high-energy stage performer, commentator, and/or ringmaster... leading the action and keeping the "audience" in high spirits as the show goes on. Outside of a show, she's still rather showy and flashy, playing up events and exaggerating situations. Basically an over-enthusiastic attention seeker?

Which means she is conversely at "her worst" when there is simply nothing going on and no one to really entertain. While she still generally puts on a positive demeanor, she's probably more likely to slip into bad habits when there isn't anything to do and/or she has to just sort of... Wait. :p

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Visual / Sketch


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    You managed to fit her within the size of the papee

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        Oh yeah, I had plenty more room even. XD
        I'm really used to drawing kinda small?

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          How you do it? I'm working on drawing small to show my characters at their fullest too

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            Ahh... I guess it comes with practice? Because I used to draw pretty huge too... but that's partly because I had really large sheets of paper. XD I guess I'd say just remind yourself you don't have to fill the whole page? Maybe draw yourself some comic panels and force yourself to keep everything within the smaller squares?