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Werewolf Comparison - Maneater vs. Carnivorous by LadyZolstice

Werewolf Comparison - Maneater vs. Carnivorous


Just a look at the visual differences between two of my personal werewolf classifications~! Vincenzo Santiago on the left, Tamati Siliva on the right!


Carnivorous (Mili, Tamati) - The majority of lycanthropes strive to remain in this category. Maintaining a diet rife with raw meat when in human form is known to keep beastly urges at bay while shifted. While these wolves still battle their beasts’ lust for territory and human flesh, the urges are easier to manage, as the consumption of meat soothes the ever-present bloodlust. It is not uncommon for carnivorouse werewolves to band together into family packs - the sense of camaraderie also keeps the members in touch with their humanity. They are typically between 7 and 8 feet tall, depending on sex and varying with the amount of meat in an individual’s diet.

Maneater (Vincenzo) - An unfortunately common breed, the maneater has succumbed to his beast’s desires and begun hunting human prey. Victims are found ripped to shreds but largely present; what the wolf is really after is the heart. A lycan who dines on human flesh is larger and stronger than the other breeds, often reaching ten feet when erect. They hunt with a single-mindedness driven by their addiction to human hearts - the fight-or-flight instinct has largely been replaced by fight-and-kill, and they are indiscriminate in their hunger. One particularly prevalent maneater, active from his turning in 1965 until he was finally killed in 1983, is credited with slaughtering an entire hunting party (12 trained men and women, all in the same night). They are typically loners, since all other breeds count enough as ‘human’ to be counted among prey.

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