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awooooo by LadyZolstice



(insert howl-o-ween pun here to make this image a festive halloween art)

SO. My werewolves are huge. They are gigantic. But I’ve never drawn anything of them to scale, I think, against something naturally-sized.

So for reference we’ve got Beircheart aka Ben aka His Royal Fluffiness all the way to the left. He’s a leonberger. Leonbergers are not small dogs.

Then we’ve got Mili in the middle, who’s average size for a standard female werewolf. Males are only a couple inches taller at the shoulder depending on diet and the like. Standard werewolves are aggressive under a full moon, but they retain their human minds with enough willpower or a pack to help them along. The scent of human blood will still tempt them, but they have enough sense to shift in isolated areas where the urge and opportunity to indulge in it are rare.

And at the end is Vincenzo, Mili’s sire and Serial Maneater. Maneating wolves are the biggest and strongest of the lot, distinguishable by their yellow eyes in and out of shift. The consumption of human meat also leaves them mindless and bloodthirsty; under a full moon they lose all sense of self and every shred of humanity. There are only about one maneater to ten standard wolves, and while rehabilitation is possible it’s also very difficult - most maneaters end up being put down by hunters or killing each other for territory.

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