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The Beach In Winter (Bea) Ref (By Shinkei-Shinto) by LadyIllusory

The Beach In Winter (Bea) Ref (By Shinkei-Shinto)


Not sure how much use this gal is going to get, but after the holidays Shinkei-Shinto put some sketches of caribou character ideas into the archive of derelict YCHes and things that are available to their patreons, and I loved the sketch so much I just had to see her finished.

Bio (Artists, feel free to skip):
"The Beach in Winter" is a caribou demi-goddess who embodies the title that serves as her name. Her demeanor is calm, graceful, elegant... yet with a confidence and power that makes it clear she's not to be trifled with.

She loves to spend the winter surveying the frozen seaside, sticking to isolated areas. Occasionally she appears to individuals or small groups who appreciate the power and beauty of the landscape to share the moment, as well as appearing to rescue or to just lend a hoof to those who appreciate and respect the season but got caught unprepared... or punish those who attempt to challenge and defile her slice of nature. Exactly how long she's been standing guard over this particular aspect of nature is... unclear.

To friends, and when trying to not appear so magical, she goes by Bea.

Art notes:
-Quadruped/feral form preferred, anthro OK.
-She's big. Probably about 6'6" to 7', not including the antlers? Should be a bit imposing.
-SFW only, unless specifically requested

Good for:
Tranquil Winter Things | Transformation (TF'ing others) | Ice Magic | Magical/Fantasy Settings

Art and character design by Shinkei-Shinto Go fave and leave kind comments on the artist's upload too (on FA)!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital