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Ex-Fat by Kyred



The heavy otter huffed again, as i he rolled himself into a sitting position on the small remains of his sofa. Nothing else could support him now, not even his old bed. He sighed as he set himself in front of his desk, strugging to turn his laptop on with the sausage fingers he had developed. His massive form was a constant reminder of what he had done. Months prior, his boyfriend had dumped him for someone who was fatter. Much, fatter. He didn’t get the details, but the guy he was dumped for was over a thousand at the time. He was barely 650. Now at 800 6 months later, he realised that he wasn’t only dumped harshly, but was left in such a state he could barely do anything on his own.

He had let himself be fattened, for the fantasy desires his former boyfriend had. Once a lithe surfer, winning prizes, now a heavy channel surfer, too big for even the broken remains of a sofa. All the weight he gained was mostly even, but it still gathered more in his lower body, giving him a pearish look, and a gut sagging down to his shins to match. His chest seemed to stick out a bit more, wrapping itself around his torso to his back, making most tasks for him a headache, which included the all important task of eating.

Fumbling with the buttons, he began the process of ordering his pizza meals for the next month, sighing as he had gained enough points that he could get a weeks worth free. To him, it was great, but for his mobility? Not so much. Clothing was also another issue popping up, but at least he was fat enough he could answer the doors naked. Entering his order, he sighed once again as he started up another game, getting ready to beta test his fifth that week.

Marked moderate for mild nudity?(even if nothing shows)

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Visual / Digital