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ToH - Zona (Oracle) by Honeybun

ToH - Zona (Oracle)


Anonymous asked: "I'd like to see a doodle of Zona dressed in royal garb."

Given that Zona hails from the vast desert of Artarus, where law is basically nonexistent and communities are so split up that the idea of royalty existing is laughable, I thought I’d take a slight detour to the most loftily held people there are: Oracles.

Oracles are those that believe themselves in-tune with the desert sands enough to be messengers of the Gods below the Desert, through visions and rituals they earn the trust of the Hound populace of the desert, all of whom worship these gods.

The garbs worn by the Oracles are made specifically to suit them, so those of them made in the desert are quite more rustic and reliant on heavy jewelry, while the Herstian garbs are more regal and finer, while also not requiring expensive and weighty metals.

Ordinarily, seeing as Herstian population in Artarus is limited mostly to slaves, they are barred from acting as an oracle, it supposedly being a heretical and disgraceful act that has previously been punished by a very sudden and brutal death, there is an exception given to the Artaran Herstian slaves that are liberated and brought to Herstia. With all of them being indoctrinated into worship from birth, many find it hard to abandon that faith upon freedom, but with the Desert God religious practice being so rare in the country, and with Oracles being so vital to the worship, liberated individuals such as Zona take it upon themselves to act as Oracles. They don’t think that they are able to commune with the gods, or are even in-tune, but they try in hopes that one day their worshipping and practice might be heard and answered.

And while we’re at it, Zona’s hair is curly level 20/10, I love it.

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