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MF-68SPe Delamare - Draft by KronoGarrett

MF-68SPe Delamare - Draft


In response to the shortcomings of the MF-57SP "Guard Ogre" frame for dealing with mechanized crime and civil disturbances, the Consolidated-Nivlek Corporation Heavy Industries Division dusted off their designs for a derated version of the MFC-71S Caviler. The end result was the iconic MF-68SP Delamare. The "/e" denotes that this is an all-electric model with batteries and a power umbilical, instead of the "/c" that runs on synthetic diesel or kerosene. Most departments operate close to electrical power supplies, and can carry generator equipment on rare field deployments.

While it has the ground glider wheels of its sibling, its structure and armor are mostly aerospace grade aluminum alloys and fiberglass, backed with ballistic plates and spall liners. The forward armor is sufficient protection against heavy machinegun or antimateriel rifle rounds of 15mm, while the side and back armor can stop an 8mm rifle round. While a reactive armor "flak jacket" was displayed on the prototype, its bulk and limited utility doomed it to sit next to the MFX-68S/e "Tin Smokey" recently donated to the Mogadore Mecha Museum.

Revolvers are used for Metapol units in an effort to promote fire discipline, as even the 20mm and 25mm glaser or hollow point low velocity rounds designed for crippling Frames can blow through nonreinforced construction and Azoreans alike. The same applies to the electromagnetic baton, which can reduce an Azorean to blueberry jam with a single casual sweep. Their use for civil disturbance policing is typically a last-ditch type of deployment due to the risk of escalation from a heavy-handed police response to protests.

The Delamare made its debut in the wake of a Patlabor overdose here: in which we met the Noa Expy and monster-fighting scenarios that will remain in safe, extra-canonical territory. (Although a Monster Hunter parody would work out well.) It required an extensive redesign, and pilots are no longer required to fight unbuttoned. Hopefully I've managed to develop an iconic ride for the Demons of Dorset, who leave in their wake keening flaplings and broken homes. "We just can't keep up a positive image." "No, those local yokels will say anything to drive up ratings." "Who said that they're talking about me, Officer Lizardsquisher." "Hisssss. It wasn't my fault that it ran into my path, hairball." "Trigger-happy madman." "Mecha-fetish girl!" sound of fistfight "Uniiiit Leaaaaader, they're at it agaiiiiiin!"

The proportions on this were a bit off, they've been corrected in the final version that will be posted in the next few weeks, along with the variant used by private security companies. We'll even get to see some new pilots.

Artwork © of me
Solarstorm setting and characters © of Zalcoti
Metapol inspired by Patlabor

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch


  • Link

    You're very good with details for electronics. Well done!

    • Link

      Thanks. I really do enjoy technical concept work, at times I wonder if I should have gone into industrial design.