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Orkid Species Info by Krio

Orkid Species Info


Might as well cross post this while I'm at it~
Orkids are a closed species

  • Popular as a Familiar-type, Orkids can be found both in the wild and as the domesticated companions of humans and other mythical creatures. -Wild Orkids make it their duty to take care of a variety of flowers and vegetation. -In the wild they use their large, slightly concave ears to carry around small amounts of water they've imbued with trace amounts of magic that keep whichever plant they water healthy and happy for weeks on end.
  • When Orkids are relaxed they will petal or leaf arrange; if no flower or plant is near they will switch to grooming the hair of whatever person/creature is available. -The fur around an Orkids neck is actually very dense in order to support the weight of their large ears. Without the fur an Orkid would not be able to support the weight of it's head on it's thin neck.
  • Orkids tend to live in fairly large familial packs in the wild and are an intelligent species all around.
  • They have a natural rivalry with most large birds and do not favor fire.
  • They're an omnivorous species, though they tend to enjoy berries and sweet fruits the most.
  • Familiar Orkids can bond not only with one chosen person, but with an entire small family and since they are fairly long lived, tend to be passed down from one generation to the next.
  • The magics of an Orkid familiar is erratic at first and must be trained or focused or it will eventually disperse with age. Training can turn the magic towards a more domestic route (house keeping, garden work) or towards more advanced skills (alchemy,protection etc)
  • Their ears are quite flexible and during the winter they like to wrap them around the tops of their head to keep warmth.
  • The flower headdresses they wear on occasion are purely cosmetic. They are self-crafted during a period of oncoming maturity and in general, the more extravagant the little headdress, the more esteem or regard an Orkid may get when meeting another of it's kind. The headdress, when crafted well, can serve to help in the relaxation of the flower an Orkid wishes to tend.
  • Orkids range in height differs drastically and mainly depends on who is raising them. In the wild they tend to be no more than a few inches, but their magics can allow them to grow up to five feet. If trained to constantly keep such a height from an early age they will eventually assume that height as their natural one.
  • They have the latent ability to understand the language of flowers. This ability strengthens with use over time.
  • They've 3 retractable claws on their feet which help in defense and stem snapping. When retracted their toe length and placement give their feet the illusion of having hooves.

Features and rarity:
Ram horns - uncommon, usually reserved for Orkids that live in harsher climates/areas
Single horns : rare
Double horns : uncommon
Alternate Tails: anything other than the small to medium length bird like tails is rare

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