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The Hidden Secrets of the Walnut Gallery by Kresblain

The Hidden Secrets of the Walnut Gallery


Everyone has their own little secrets. Yes, even The Walnut Gallery crew has their share of them:

First up, we have Digby. This little groundhog is always getting good grades in school. A little known hidden fact about him, though, is that he works himself to the point of being overwhelmed.

Then we have Morey. An avid video gamer. Little do his friends know though that, behind closed doors, he tends to use cheat codes frequently.

Next is MacKenzie. She may have a bit of an attitude, but she's one heck of a dancer. What her friends don't know about her, though, is that her favorite form of dance is Ballet.

Follow this up with Guzz. Yeah, out on the basketball court he keeps a tight hold on the ball, but late at night, he keeps a tight hold on something else.

Next up, there's Guthrie. His friends all think he loves surfing. Turns out, they couldn't be more wrong. This rabbit happens to be petrified of the water, and only really has the surfboard because it was a gift from his dad.

Following that, we have Sammie. Sammie's always got the tools to put together some amazing Science Fair projects. Turns out she got all those building skills from the building blocks she still has from when she was younger.

Last, but certainly not least, is Marshak. This little prodigy actually did so well in his schooling that, despite his age, he was offered a scholarship to attend a major university overseas. He'd have to leave behind everything and everyone he knew in Walnut Grove to attend though, so here we see proof that he values his friends far more than he values the opportunity he was given.

Everyone has their own little secrets, but it takes a friendship much like the one these seven have to be willing to share them with each other.

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Visual / Digital