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Dee by Kree



Originally posted 6th of June 2011, originally drawn 6th of June 2011

Just something quick to attempt to get back into the swing of drawing again. Randomly decided to draw Dee, since I haven't drawn him in ages.

For those unfamiliar with Dee, he's the yin to Kree's yang (Kree-Kree, not Used-As-An-Avatar-For-Me-All-The-Time-Kree). He's a demon, hence the lazy attempt at a background of hell. Dee doesn't like hell. The fires of eternal torment gives him a purple-y complexion. Plus he hates everyone who lives there, including but not limited to those that make fun of him for having a girl's name (Deumos). His mother wanted a girl and wasn't at all subtle about that fact.

He looks a lot like a palette-swapped version of Kree (with white pupils), mainly because Kree was his ticket outta hell. Dee was a gooey apparition summoned up from hell into a pool of water, and traded half of that with Kree to give the former shapeshifting and to free him from the summoning pool. He hangs around Kree like a bad shadow because of this. (Just a retcon for anything "story" or "serious"ish I may or may not ever do with these two at some point in the future…)

Someday I may have to properly mark out the difference between random drawing Kree and actual character Kree at some point… 😅

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