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AUCTION - land falcat (SB $9) by kkrevv

AUCTION - land falcat (SB $9)


sb: $9
ab: (available after third bid)
minimum increment is $2

auction ends two weeks after the first bid

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Falcats are a closed species. the only way you can own or draw one is if i've given you permission or if you've purchased one from me.

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Visual / Other


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    Curiosity: What is the anatomical purpose of the hind legs? or are they an alternative forearm? They don't seem to be able to have much dexterity or use.

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      thanks for your comment!
      the hind legs are used more often by the marine and avian subspecies of falcat. with land falcats they're mostly used for balance when moving around, support when getting up from laying down and anything else you could really use them for. a lot of times they're also used while sparring since the strong hooves can cause a good amount of damage for their size. avian falcats have wings where this guy's large legs are so have developed more useful hind legs for grabbing, walking and feeding. marine falcats are about the same since they have flippers in place if the wings or large feet.

      thank you for your curiosity and input, its very appreciated <3

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        Hmmm.. Neat. And do they use their bodies similar to that of a snake? Or do they move around mostly by gripping with their front legs and dragging?

        (These guys are just really interesting, hehe, sorry for the questions, and I hope I'm not sounding like a jerk trying to poke holes, just curious)

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          their bodies do work somewhat like that of a snake, but not as efficiently (': they sort of combine the power of their belly and their forelimbs to do the pulling haha. theyre mostly just really lazy, basking animals. not that energetic.

          its fine! i love answering questions about my species! im sorry that my replies are so slow though- i dont come on here often.