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~ Relm's Necklace ~ by Kira Swiftpaw

~ Relm's Necklace ~

Kira Swiftpaw

So one of my very bestest friends, Relm, wanted a necklace made to go along with the revamp she did on her fursona, but she wasn't sure what kind. So I did what I normally sometimes do and linked her to the M.A.I.L. website and told her to look around and see if anything caught her eye.

Needless to say she found several weaves that she really liked, and out of those there was only one I felt confident attempting: Dragonscale! So after ordering in the rings for it I set off to work!

I found out that dragonscale wasn't nearly as hard as I feared it was going to be, but it certainly was time consuming (not that I had anything else to work on mind you) and very.. umm.. ring intensive (not sure how else to say it took a lot of rings). The real time consumer was the pattern, which was to be randomly sized and placed rosettes. Which was basically a process of: figure out size and direction, full or semi filled, start weaving, finish weaving, find out I shoulda placed a ring here or there as well, unweave back to said point, add ring(s), reweave rosette, and then very possibly rinse and repeat the whole process until I was happy with each rosette. >x.X<

Going into a lil more detail, the necklace is ~18" long (she wanted a choker) and is made of 16ga 3/8" and 16ga 1/4" aluminum rings in purple and sky blue, with a black ice/gunmetal 4 post tube clasp. It's about 2" wide and contains over 900 rings total. In case you're interested, a piece like this would set you back ~$80 or so, but would also vary depending on how wide and long you wanted it. :3

All in all, it certainly was a learning experience, and I'm happy knowing I came out of it with two things: a very happy kitty otter, and the fact that I learned another weave!


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Visual / Crafts / Jewelry