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Seodalis (all together + all info) by kievcat

Seodalis (all together + all info)


A largely primitive society, split in to various tribes based on geographic location.
Warriors, craftsmen, artists and mages, the Seodalis have a simple and effective way of living.

The Seodalis are a large, (usually) land dwelling, bipedal, omnivorous race of horned felines, split up in to four tribes.
The four tribes are the Western, Common, Northern, and Seraphin Seodalis.
All Seodalis share the same language, which is mostly nonverbal, and conveyed with complicated ear movements and deep growls, grunts and hissing.

The Seodalis could be considered matriarchal by most, as all their tribe leaders from the dawn of their species to now have been female. (this includes both cisgender and transgender women).
Females are born with small nubs on their head, where their horns eventual grow. (Transgender Seodalis sometimes choose to wear horned metal helmets, or cut their horns off).
Being trans in seodalis society is fairly normal, and they see it as just part of an individuals destiny.

Their lifespan is relatively short compared to that of humans, the common age of death is around 50 years old, and they grow up fast, it's not uncommon for a Seodalis to become tribe leader when they're only 10 years old.
As they get older, their horns grow longer and develop 1-4 "prongs" usually having 1 or 2 at 20 years of age.

The seperate territories of the Seodalis include, a dense humid and hot jungle to the west, governed by the Western Seodalis.
A huge arid desert, stretching over the southern and eastern parts of the island, owned by the Common Seodalis.
The freezing cold snowy mountains, and a small section of dense forest and windy plains to the north, fiercely guarded by the Northern Seodalis.
And the cloudy, eden in the sky, a palace floating far above the island, away from inter tribe clashes inhabited by the small Seraphin tribe.
It takes around three weeks to get from one end of a territory to another.

The first and shortest of the tribes are the Western Seodalis, who can be picked apart from the rest by their bright colorful pelts, pointed upright ears,
short fur, and very long tails.
Western Seo's are very strict to their tribes traditions and religion, and they're very prone to receiving visions and prophecies more so than the other tribes.
They can have any fur color imaginable, with any marking you can think up, they're colorful in look and personality, they love to dance, and sing, as well as drink and party, they're the most fun to be around at gatherings.
Western's are skilled with all magic, and make powerful and deadly mages, but they're very fond of fire magic more than anything.

They make their homes in the far tops, or low roots of the huge trees all across their territories.
They're excellent climbers, and can move between trees very quickly. They have long thin claws which help them to climb trees better, some of them even use their tails to help them keep their grip.

Clothing is minimal, due to the climate they live in, preferring to wear simple underwear with lots of accessories, usually with feathers.
Large elaborate headdresses and jewelry are very popular.
Their battle armor is equally light and minimal, as most of them are far away from the fighting, throwing all sorts of spells at their opponents.
They use little metal, and mostly thick leather decorated with patterns of colored feathers.

The second of the tribes are the Common Seodalis, they have short to medium length fur, long tails, and downwards facing ears. They are the second shortest of the tribes.
They change almost as much as the desert they live in, choosing not to stay in one place for long, and always moving around. Their homes are never permanent, and small and easy to pack up and take with them when the sands take them elsewhere.
More than anything they're travelling merchants, and skilled creators of just about everything. Anything a Common Seodalis sells you has a handmade guarantee.

The fur of the Common Seo is very pale in color, light browns and yellows as well as white are the usual, though sometimes pastel colored children are born, usually due to mixed Western blood in them.
Typically, Common Seo's are a quiet bunch, choosing their words and movement carefully before communicating. The tribes preferred instrument is the flute, and they are not very good or fond of dancing.

A Common Seodalis has very versatile combat skills, from a young age they're taught that they can be anything they want to be on the battlefield, which makes them unpredictable, calculating and intelligent opponents.
In saying that, the overall preferred weapons for the tribe, are spears and bows and arrows.

Their clothing style is minimal, like the Western Seo's.
They wear a lot of cloth and silk wraps and shawls, nothing too hot or heavy, but enough to keep the sand off of them and away from their face.

Their armor consists of a thick metal chest plate and helmet, with arms, legs, and face being covered in regular clothing material.

Northern Seodalis, the tallest of the land based tribes are truly warriors at heart.
They're muscular, fierce, and oh so fluffy.
Their fur is long and dense, protecting them from the snow and cold winds of their mountain home.
They have short fluffy tails, and outwards pointing ears.
Their pelts are colored dark brown or gray, and sometimes deep blue or purple.

Their society is built on proud hunters and warriors, to them nothing else is more noble than fighting and providing for your tribe.
Their members are skilled artists, and spend most of their lives painting the walls of their cave homes when not out hunting or fighting.
Like the Western Seo's they are also skilled dancers, although their style is more aggressive and powerful, and less showy and graceful. They also enjoy playing drums, and when a whole group gets together the sound echos through the cave and can be heard for miles.

They're actually quite a talkative bunch, and are the first to begin gossiping at gatherings, which can be quite daunting for a young Common Seo to deal with.
They are also the only tribe that currently practices piercing and horn carving, which started as a status symbol, but has begun to spread to every member of the tribe as a new fashion.

Northern Seo's are not ones for weapons or magic, for them its all about claws, teeth and fists. (Although some of their smaller built tribe members do practice magic for battle).
Their clothing style isn't much to look at, they wear a lot of heavy fur, to help keep them warm. Sometimes the more fashion conscious Northerner may dye the fur on their clothing.

Where their style really shines is their armor, which is fully plated, heavy, and some of the best made by any of the tribes.

The last of the tribes are the Seraphin, who to land based Seodalis are usually nothing more than a myth.
Thought by many to be mythical, magical beings of elegance, and grace, the Seraphin are actually just very, very lazy and unpleasant.
Meeting one for the first time would be a shock to any of the other tribes for more than one reason, after the initial amazement of seeing a real Seraphin, they would realize that these Seo's are not at all like the stories describe.
Seraphin's are rude, arrogant and want absolutely nothing to do with the quarrels and struggles of the landbound tribes.

Their pelt colors are strictly pure white, or pure black, with golden markings. And they have a large pair of feathered wings on their backs.
They have long, fluffy tails, rounded upward facing ears, and are the tallest of all Seodalis.

They are mostly solitary, and their numbers are few, usually choosing only to live with their significant other and/or immediate family.
Seraphin are completely naked all the time, as they have no need for clothing and think it detracts from the beauty of their gold markings.

Their "armor" is badly made, and has no protective qualities whatsoever, why would it need to, when they never participate in battle.

Mostly, Seraphin are spoilt by the easy life their tribe has been given, and look down on all the other tribes, both literally and figuratively.

This is not v good i apologize i just wanted something with all the info and all the pics together
anyway yes! i originally came up with these guys when i was around 14, and im 19 now so thats a while !
im very attached to them and while theyre a closed species, if theres interest in them i may make adoptables+customs for people
or maybe even make them open in the far future

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