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Werebeast 1 - Radical by KibaTheDemonicWolf

Werebeast 1 - Radical


here is #1 of the Werebeast series I decided to call Radical. was going between Radical and Gnarly but I think I might call something else Gnarly either in this series or something else at some other point preferably something shark related but yeah that's really random, moving on!
in short the Werebeast series is literally just werebeasts. For example lets use your most well known form of therianthropy = werewolves but instead of just being your normal wolves these ones can be any kind of animal or in the case of our boy "Radical" here a number of animals some of which don't exist an some do like I'm not sure fully what his head is based on but his arms are an Orangutan, feet are a snowy owl, and tail is a leopard gecko rest is just fun.
It's actually more of an excuse to get me to practice drawing humans so like it forces me to have to draw a human form if I want to draw the werebeast sense I REALLY need to practice drawing humans... bleh... but hopefully this'll be good motivation.

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