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Interdimensional army by Kiaun

Interdimensional army


Commission made for :iconecko7: last week.

-About these ships-
During Spring of the second War year with the Void Born Empire, Dozens of Ships of the Galactic Alliance where destroyed, more than 15 Hyperspace Jumps away from the Frontlinie and in Secure Territory! Speculations started to run Amok, until Video Material was salvaged from one of the Wreckage. It was quite the shock to learn, that all the ships fall Victim to a new Kind of Warship.

The Ships ressponsible for the Attacks where the New, Experimental UDX- 01, 02 and 03, later re-enforced by the newer UDX-04 and 05. All 5 Ships belonged to the completly new Warship class called "Dimension-Submarine"! The Void Born found out About the existence of other Dimensions 50 years ago, but Research to use it started only 8 years ago. The Results where this 5 Ships strong Class, wich could travel safe trough the other Dimension, unseen by Anyone, attacking surprisingly! The first Frontline Reports are breathtaking and the only Thing, wich delayed the large scale Mass produce of the Dimension Submarines is their hefty Price Tag! One Unit cost as much as "4" Fang-Class Battleships!

Using UDX-01 as exampel for the Class here, their armed with 6 Torpedo Tubes(4 in the Bow, 2 at the Stern) and a Dual Barrel Medium Laserturret. On both sides of the Ship are the so called Dimension Ballast Tanks. Also on each side sits one so called "Dimensiondisruptor", without it would be impossible to enter the other Dimension in the first place. All 5 Ships are operating in the same fleet, under the Command of C.O.S Colonel Neelia Travo.

"Striker"-class Dimension Submarine:
Length: 120 Meters
Width: 12 Meters

-4 Bow Torpedo Tubes
-2 Stern Torpedo Tubes
-1 Dual Barrel Medium Laserturret


-One Hyper Matter Reaktor powering 2 Main trusters

- 2.850 KPH in Atmosphere
- 160 SLS (Sub Light Speed)

Submission Information

Visual / Other