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Lord of the Forest by khral

Lord of the Forest


Rrowl-Telepath's true form concept art (early version).

Sketch version:

This is some rough idea of what Rrowl's true form looks like. After I have finish this drawing, I have new and better idea for the theme of this form, but no time to draw it (work related reason). I'll find some free time to develop this in future (hopefully there is) :P

This is what my space cat, Rrowl-Telepath really is after an incident in the hidden temple on Shrres (the planet where his sire found his pregnant mother in stasis chamber, now a Rra-krr colony).

That incident with the remain of oddly looking creature during an archaeological trip transformed him in to… something..., which give him great power and many abilities, for example, the ability to change his form at will or phase through matter or traverse other dimension/other universe or extra sensory that enable him to “see” the soul of any being.

While the power he revived was superb and cool, it a bit more like a curse as his default form was now eldritch While the power he revived was superb and cool, it a bit more like a curse as his default form was now eldritch monster thingy that make him difficult with others (as in his universe and probably other too, this form is beyond mortal being to comprehend, or likely it did some mind trick to the one seeing him, so anyone looking at him will probably gone nut :P), along with the hunger for intelligent being fresh, blood and… soul? that still linger in his mind, even when he was in Rra-krr form.

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