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Clear Skies Tonight by Khezix

Clear Skies Tonight


This gal here calls herself Tern and yes she has artificial wings. She always dreamed of flying so, long story short, she built herself a pair of functional wings using hoverboard technology. She's always had a strong interest in cybernetics and biological technology and worked on this project with enthusiasm. The wings generate lift using the same tech that hoverboards use, it's basically small-scale anti gravity mumbo jumbo (Clarke's Third Law might apply lol). The wings can fold up neatly against her back, although it doesn't fit under clothes very well. Her boots are specially designed for flight, containing the same tech used in the wings. The boots keep her body stable in the air and help her land.

Painter 11, touch up in Photoshop CS6
approx 6-8 hours
6 September 2013

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Wow, honestly I think this would make a wonderful and unique tale to read especially on something so simple as wanting to fly - maybe for her to be free? Great work on this and the perspective. I adore the wings, gosh I love mechanics! XD

    • Link

      Ahhh thank you! Mechanical wings are the best haha. She's part of a larger story that I'm developing privately although a short story focused on her is a great idea. For some reason I haven't considered it before. I like the idea of her desire to fly stemming from a form of escapism. She lives in a busy a world bursting with technology and media, I wouldn't blame her for wanting to fly away for a little while.