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Happy Valentine's Day 2014 by KeyEverette

Happy Valentine's Day 2014


Haha, Hito and I have had this tradition since we’ve known each other back in 2005/6. If we don’t have a significant other on Valentine’s day, we are the default. Even though we don’t talk as much as we used too or share a lot of the same interest or ideas, he always is and always will be one of my dearest friends. We know if we really need each other we can send long whiny tear filled emails to each other or call each other and tell really stupid jokes. It might not be romantic love but it is a true love. We’ll always be here for each other even if we’re across the country from each other. Hope you like this Hito or I’ll shove that flower in your mouth pointy side first!!!

On a side note, we’ve retired these characters which is why I feel it was nice to draw them together one last time. (That sounds so final. We might draw them sometimes but not as much xD) I will be introducing my new character or “fursona” in a few days. At that time I will probably deactivate or but my Nenaluna accounts on hold. We feel that while we do love and relate to these old characters, we’ve grown and changed want to start fresh with new online personas. Nenaluna will still be my character and little nena will still show up on strips but I would really appreciate it if you’d refer to me as my new online persona once I finally unveil her. Since I have been Nenaluna online for so long there are some places I feel changing the name would be very hard on my to let go (twitter, deviantART, furaffinity) but it is a step I think I will like to take anyways. I won’t be closing those accounts but I won’t be checking them as frequently either. Don’t worry, I’ll let everyone know when the time comes.

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