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Mr Cobbles by kentarokun

Mr Cobbles


This is slightly different version than the original I uploaded here
Thought I'd upload it instead idk

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Visual / Digital


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    Y'know, I don't gush often. I really don't, just because there are very rarely things that make me genuinely smile and grin. I have to say that this is one of the few pictures that I really adore. Like... I don't know if I can intimate it well enough, but you and Ducky's work? Genuinely makes me feel good to see. And when I see something like this, something that just just looks and breathes a style that's simple and dynamic all on it's own, something that, in my opinion anyways, feels like it is is by all rights and regards YOU?

    Well. It's hard to put into proper words. I mean I love this concept for a character, and the pose and the potential of power that he seems to put out from just this pose? Well... Y'know I can't really intimate it in a more concise manner. I love your work, I love your art, and you guys are pretty much one of the driving forces for why I want to be a great artist. To be able to give a proper voice and a face to the ideas that are in my mind.

    Bottom line is that I love this, and the 'heat' coloring at the bottom just adds more intensity. Don't stop drawing, don't stop creating. You guys are awesome, artwise or otherwise, and to me, it's always a delight to see new work from you.

    Sorry if I prattled on a bit long. I have a lot more I wish I could say but I have no earthly idea how to put it, honestly, save for repeating myself that I adore this picture.

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      I am really happy if we inspire you to create! For me it's the biggest compliment I can get and it makes me feel I have done something right haha.

      I was close at rage quitting this picture twice. I drew it at night when I was tired but couldn't sleep and felt that the image was not going anywhere and was not worth it. But now that I read your words I am very glad didn't.
      Sometimes we need to try to give a picture a second chance.

      Funny thing about the bright glow effect thing. I'm pretty sure I got inspiration to that when the sun rose up. Picture didn't really have any colours before that.

      Thank you! Let's not stop drawing no matter how hard it sometimes feels.
      (and sorry it took this long to answer, English is hard aha)

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        It feels idiotically hard all the time for me, like I'm pushing a boulder up a hill. I can't lie there are times when I just wanna break down and cry. But hey, nothing worth having, nothing worth doing is easy right?

        And you're very welcome Kenny. It's a promise. Let's not quit. I'd bump fists with you if I could, but you'll have to accept one in spirit, at the least. :)

        (and no worries at all! From a technical standpoint, English IS the most complicated language on the face of the planet, don't worry. Your english is fine!)