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Kellic : Mark II Reference Sheet by KellicTiger

Kellic : Mark II Reference Sheet


sniffs They grow up so fast!

Two years is a lot of time for a tiger to grow up. Between then and now, the tiger has seen much, lived much, fought much, and has even lost some resulting in some less then flattering scars, both on the outside and the inside. But like everything he continues to learn , grow, ad mature as he studies and trains in his mastery of the sword, and the claw.

*bows to Ifus for her patience with me getting back to her on this commission. Furry Migration has kept me stupidly busy and I've not had time to focus on artwork until now. I'm BAAAAAACK!


Character Name: Kellic
Gender: Male
Species: Maltese Tiger
Height: 5'11"
Fur Colors: Purplish BlueGray with black stripes.
Hair Color: black with thin silver stripes
Hair Style: top knot or pony tail. I will generally leave it up to artists discretion.
Eye Color: Amber/Green
Character Country of Origin: Japan
Occupation: Samurai by day. Purrrrrveyor of shoes that are tied together by night. Hey its a thankless job be someone's got to do it.
Weapons: Wakizashi (Its a shorter honor blade) and Katana (Both have a cherry wood Scabbard. The blade collar is gold with the guard being a dark metal. The handle itself is golden colored with the braid around the handle being brown. I could go into the proper names of each part of each part of the katana but overkill when it comes to a description.)
Clothing: Formalwear: Usually a dark burgundy kimono with a black obi. Casualwear: tee shirt, shorts and sandals....usually Birkenstocks since its what I wear IRL 365 days a year. =P

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