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Pig by keida



Spirit guide of the day is Pig! Now is a time when abundance will come to you! Allow yourself to open to the influences of luck and fortune. However, understand that it is important to avoid over indulging in acts such as gluttony or laziness. You may have opportunities for fortune, but it will be important to keep working to avoid negative habits that could keep you from those good fortunes. Your hard work will end in a bountiful harvest. Share this luck and abundance with others through your generosity. The Pig spirit guide is known for it's connection to luck, fertility, wealth, intelligence, trust, and a connection with the earth. Call on Pig when you need to find that balance close to earth. Pig reminds us that even when we work hard, it is important to remember to enjoy life. Allow yourself to engage in fun and indulge in building collections, but be careful that you do not become greedy. Keep generosity and empathy in your mind. Female pigs are often seen as a living example of the Great Mother and teaches us the joy of connecting with our family and sharing with others. Pig represents the life, power, and richness of the Earth. Multiple Goddess in Greek and Roman cultures used pig as their symbol including Demeter and Aphrodite. In Chinese culture, they are strongly seen as a sign of wealth, prosperity, and as great warriors. People who connect with Pig are intelligent and stubborn types who will often drive forward to reach their goals without caring what others think. These individuals are often outspoken, working personalities, however, they can sometimes lean towards laziness.

Pig, Sus Scrofa Scrofa, are omnivorous mammals that can live up to 15 years. It is thought that pigs were the first animal to be domesticated as early as 9,000 BC from wild Boars in the forests of Asia and Europe. Since then, domesticated pigs have spread all over the world as both a farm animal as well as a pet. They belong to the Suidae family which includes 16 other species such as Warthogs, Pygmy Hogs, and Wild Boars. The name boar is not only a wild pig, but also a name used for non-castrated domestic male pigs. A hog often refers to a domestic pig weighing over 120 lbs. In general, pigs often weigh between 300 and 700 lbs. The smallest species of pig is the Pygmy Hog which grows to around 2 feet in length and around 10 inches tall at the shoulder. Pigs are stocky, short, fat, intelligent animals with small eyes and large ears and noses. They are classified as a subspecies of Wild Boar. In the Wild, pigs will live in a wide range of habitats from wetlands and rain forests to savannas, grasslands, and forests. Extremely intelligent, pigs are known to be able to be trained in a range of tasks. Also very social, pigs will live in groups call Sounders that generally consist of one male, multiple females, and their offspring. A lone male will often search to gather females to create his own herd, but, at times, will remain solitary. Communication occurs through squeaks and grunts. Certain noises such as longer growls or roars will warn others of danger. If threatened, pigs will generally run, but are known to use their sharp lower tusks in defense if trapped. These tusks can grow up to 3 inches long in some species. Selective breeding in domestic pigs has lowered the change of tusks in individuals. In species that possess tusks, they are often also used to dig up roots. The hoofed feet of a pig have downward pointed toes as they walk on the tips of two toes rather than their whole foot with their other toes dangling as balance. The diet of a pig consists of nearly anything. Wild pigs are known to forage for fruits and roots as well as hunt for rodents or small reptiles while domesticated pigs are often fed barley, corn, or wheat. Some pigs are fed a mixture of leftover foods, fruit rinds, and vegetable peels called 'slop'. Eurasian wild pigs even eat snakes and their thick fat layers aid them in breaking down venom so that they are not affected. Wild pigs possess straight tails, however, domestic pigs are known for their curled tails. Unlike common conception, pigs are extremely clean animals. The large snout of a pig possesses a large, round disk of cartilage that aids in giving it strength and flexibility for rooting. Females pigs called Sows will give birth twice a year to litters of around 12 young called piglets. These piglets weigh over 2 lbs at birth and will double their weight within a week. Weaning occurs between 2 and 4 weeks of age. Whereas wild pigs can give birth to between 6 and 14 piglets that will remain in their parent's nests for their first 10 days. After 3 months, they are weaned.

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