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Crow by keida



Totem of the day is Crow! Observe your surroundings carefully for upcoming signs for you may have a big change coming up soon. You may receive a vision of events yet to come concerning you. What you have been diligently working towards will be appearing soon. There may be something wrong that is going unnoticed around you so be sure to speak out for those who need it. The Crow totem is known for it's connection to magic and it's applications to creation. This totem carries a depth of intelligence and foresight. They were connected with the color of night, yet are diurnal, or daytime, birds which shows us that magic is possible anytime. In Roman mythology, both crows and ravens were originally white, but were turned black when they brought bad news to the God Apollo. To the Celts, the Crow was known for creation while the AthapaskanIndians of Alaska believed the world was created by a crow in the form of a raven. The Norse God Odin even possesses two crows as his messengers. Crows were a symbol in medieval alchemy that represented "Nigredo" or the unformed state of existence filled with potential for more. The Crow totem is a sign to be observant, watchful as a sentry for magic is all around us waiting to be accessed. People who connect with Crow are sociable, resourceful types who enjoy spending time with their close friends. They are able to find use of available resources for whatever need they have. These individuals follow their own strong connection to the Earth and their own moral code. They are known to speak up for those who needs it. Often naturally connected with airs of magic and mystery, Crow types have powerful manifesting abilities.

Crows, Corvus Brachyrhynchos, are omnivorous avians that belong to the genus Corvus which includes rooks and ravens. Depending on species, they can live between 7 to 22 years in the wild. Crows comprise of around 40 species which range in size. The Crow featured in this illustration is a Pied Crow which possesses a distinctive white neckline and chest. Ravens and Crows are often mistaken for one another, however, they do have a few key differences. Ravens are larger with heavier bills and hoarser voices. The tail feathers are also different. When spread, a crow's tail feathers round out in a curve while the raven's tail feathers are longer in the middle and create a wedge-shaped spread. Crows can be found all over the world with an ability to use and adapt to a range of habitats. They do prefer open environments such as grasslands and farm areas, but will also thrive in urban areas. The diet of a Crow consists of nearly everything. They will dine on reptiles, eggs, mammals, and carrion as well as seeds, fruits, nuts, and insects. They have also been known to eat other birds and rotting garbage. At times, they will sometimes store food away for short periods. These birds are known for their extreme intelligence, able to problem-solve and even distinguish and remember faces. Crows have been been known to remember faces of cruel humans and notify other crows so that they know how to identify this human. A crow's brain is the size of a human thumb. In comparison to their body size, this raises their intelligence to the same level as primates. They are among the smartest of all animals in the world. Communication skills are enhanced in these birds. Their iconic Caw actually comes with a wide variety of meanings depending on the amount and speed of repetitions as well as timbre. There are multiple species of crows that are solitary while still looking for food in groups. However, many other species prefer to flock in groups called murders and will even gather around a dead crow in order to find out how they died so the crows can take vengeance in attacking whatever killed their fallen member. These bands of attacking crows is a behavior known as Mobbing. The bonds of crows even extends to reproduction. They are cooperative breeders, which means that crows will remain near the place of their birth in order to assist in helping to defend and raise further generations from that area. They create mated pairs that usually last for life, only finding another mate if their partner is killed. These mated pairs will build a nest created from twine, branches, bark, plant fibers, mosses, and other scavenged materials such as cloth and hair. These nests are built 15 to 60 feet above the ground and 1 to 2 feet in diameter. A female crow will lay 4 to 5 eggs which hatch after 18 days. These tiny chicks are able to leave the nest after 4 weeks, but will continue to be fed by their parents until approximately 60 days old.

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