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Dressing Day by Kazyote13

Dressing Day



Diago chuckled, “careful you don’t leave it too loose she might be able to breathe”.

“Shut it asshat” Mill scowled, “I’m sure there’s another around here if you want to give it a go”

“I came here with only the clothes on my back and I intend to keep it that way”

“Yeah well if gasp you came here with your tits out and strapped in leather out I’m sure you-“ she gasped again and glared back at the tailor, “did someone pay you to suffocate me or something?! Ease up!”

The tailor finally spoke up, “Madame beauty comes with pain. If I cannot convince you to wear my finest dresses you should at least look spectacular in our de toute beaute coats”

He continued his explanation in a language foreign to both the fox and the coyote. They shared an expression of contempt before Diago wandered off to leave Mill to suffer at the hands of the heated tailor.

Just an experimental piece trying out a whole bunch of new methods of painting, lining, and so on. There’s some rough areas here and there but it’s really helped getting used to these new skills and hopefully things’ll look better going forward n.n

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Visual / Digital