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Neralya Ral'serah: Outfit Reference by Kasespaetzle

Neralya Ral'serah: Outfit Reference


Alrighty, so since I'm uploading stuff to Weasly and I figure it'd probably be mildly annoying to put all these outfits up as separate submissions, I've decided to put all of these outfits together for convenience, along with some minor descriptions for some of them. Basically, these are outfits for my annoyingly punchable lady turian, Neralya Ral'Serah, along with a basic nude reference. Now for those descriptions:

Nude- Nera has a lot of scars, a heart-shaped pattern of white on her butt, and a crazy blue alien vagina. She has quite a few scars, most from being reckless and not having proper equipment, but the most notable scars are the throat scar(left from a mugging attempt that nearly killed her), the neck scar(left from a biotic implant scar healing extremely poorly) and the various burn scars on her hands(from... burning herself, mostly).
1a- Loungewear, typically only worn at home and pretty much never worn in public(unless perhaps she's extremely hungover)
1b- Same as before, minus pants. Typically this version us worn when Nera is alone, while the pants version is worn when company is over.
2- Bulletproof vest and panties, which may as well be considered part of Nera's regular undergarments considering the frequency of when she wears them. She almost always has at least the vest on whenever she goes out in public, even when wearing casual attire. She also has several pairs of varying degrees of coverage, though she has no more than five.
3- Nera's underarmor. Not much else to it. It helps to stop bullets and stabwounds and make her actual armor wearable.
4- One of Nera's favorite casual outfits to wear, usually when she knows she's going to go on a job soon but still wants to look fairly nice. It consists of a leather jacket, worn over two shirts which are in turn worn over her underarmor, which make up the 'pants' that are seen here. and then she accessorizes with cool boots and gloves and a punchable coolkid attitude.
5- A favorite outfit of Nera's which is typically worn when clubbing, or when she otherwise just wants to look nice(and probably wants to get laid).
6- Another favorite outfit, though this one is a bit more casual than the previous one. Not worn to clubs but instead probably more of a 'I'm hanging out with people in public but not out to get me some' getup.
7- Clubbing outfit, again. Nera likes really short shorts. And gloves(They cover up her fucked-up hands). And also black. Headscarves are also a preferred accessory, though she doesn't wear them nearly as often as gloves.
8a- Casual outfit, again more than likely worn when she plans on going outside yet doesn't feel the need to dress 'sexy'. Not worn often, but she likes the outfit nonetheless.
8b- Same outfit, minus the large overshirt and with anime sparkles and toast added which I should apologize for but won't
9- A casual outfit, worn when she's not trying to make too much of an impression. Nera tends to get injured fairly often, so occasionally she can be seen 'accessorizing' with colorful bandaids and the occasional eyepatch pictured here. 'Cause eyepatches are way cooler than black eyes.
10- Workout attire. Not much else to say about this one, other than 'Nera really, really likes wearing short shorts'

...And that's about it so far! Basic things to remember about clothes for Nera are that she's almost always seen wearing predominately black, teal is her second favorite color which she also wears often, she's usually seen wearing gloves, and while she doesn't mind accessorizing, she's very careful about making sure she's not wearing anything too compromising for surprise mugging situations! Also, she's pretty much always armed and she never leaves home without her omni-tool!

Woohoo oufits wooooooo

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Visual / Digital


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    Fun to see the whole collection of clothes. I've loved seeing all your Nera drawings!

    So yay outfits woo!