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Kira Danilova by Kardi

Kira Danilova


Kirochka "Kira" Danilova.

Soldat of the Kashlyk Druzhina, and the younger of the Danilov siblings who serve along with the Kaptain. She's the band's styag* bearer and doubles as a herald (message runner) on the battlefront as well as back at their outpost.

Kira is truly the opposite to her brother as far as her personality. In fact, you wouldn’t think the two had the same upbringing at all. She’s always outgoing, open, and friendly. Strangers, new places and new things fascinate her greatly. Somehow, she always manages even in the worst of times to come up with a joke to toss out of her pocket to lighten the mood.

Unfortunately, because of this, she can come across to many as if she isn’t taking anything seriously at times, especially in situations of high stress and danger. The worse and more desperate it gets, the more upbeat she seems.

It can get downright annoying to people around her, though. Rather along the lines being forced to stay in an enclosed room with a constantly singing, cheerful canary.

* The banner, styag, was very important in battlefield communication and movement. Before battle, the army formed up around the banner and it continued to function for orientation in the chaos of combat, indicating the progress of battle, and serving as a rally point.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital



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    She's a beautiful centaur!

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    she looks lovely, and i love how one eye is peeping out =3